Weekly review cw 04
I had to choose between polling, WebSockets, and server side events for a feature. Instead of just reading about it, I tried SSE for the first time. It's as great as it is simple, so I like technology!

Server Side Events (SSE)
As part of a project, it was necessary to map the following use case:
- The user starts a background task via an API call (Trigger Call).
- A result is created on the server.
- The user should be informed after completion.
- Ideally, other users will also be informed.
As a possible solution, I first considered polling the job status based on the JobId returned as a response from the TriggerCall. However, this method does not allow me to reach other users of the application, so it was important to look for alternatives.
As an alternative solution, I tried out Server Side Events. This allows the server to send new data to a website anytime. As a prerequisite, the front end must register on the server and can then listen to (server) events.
This approach is relatively easy to integrate into the front end and back end and is significantly less complex than WebSockets. Compared to polling, this solution reduces the required capacity on the server side - especially if many clients continuously make status queries or a specific real-time display in the client is desired.
I will delve deeper into the topic and write a comprehensive article about my experiences.
Kirby webpage in 3 days
My YADL blog has been stamped from the ground within two weeks (Maurice and I have reported). As a new challenge, we build a club website with Kirby for the table tennis department of the Niendorfer TSV within 3 days. We have invested one day for the last and this week and are 80 % done. We want to finish and release at the end of the following week.
This challenge is exciting because we create the design and content parallel to the development. We haven't found an appealing and modern UI kit, so we write all the CSS ourselves. We're amazed at how easy it is to do many things these days that previously required hundreds of lines of JavaScript (e.g., page transitions), or separate HTML CSS code to be written (e.g., blocks with changing image and text content).
Server Side Stories
In the seventh episode we illuminate a much discussed topic: What exactly does a "good" developer define? We look at the question from different perspectives, both about necessary hard skills and soft skills. The latter focused on. Our conclusion: In the end, every developer is individual. There are no "perfect" or "bad" developers. But by reflecting these points, we can develop as a team and individual.
Note: this podcast is German!