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Hi, I'm Mark and I'm a software architect & developer

I have been working in the IT environment for 17 years. As part of my current work at konzentrik GmbH , I plan event-driven applications as a software architect, as a full stack developer I write the appropriate frontend and backend code and as a good agile evangelist (you build it, you own it) I am responsible for operations. Of course not alone, it's just good to understand and master each area in order to discuss solutions with colleagues at eye level.

In various agile teams I have often experienced heated discussions about which values makes up the team. A good approach to ensure team cohesion. I always try to incorporate my values: reliability, neatness, excellence, composure and curiosity.

The good thing about values ​​is that they are lived in different forms and in nuances can be described in a modified form using other words and thus in the team values can be accommodated.

In my teams, respect and appreciation were almost always the top priority. I see this as part of reliability - everyone in the team can rely on that I listen to and take into account his or her opinion with due care, keep my promises and thus advance common issues.

Mark Schmeiser

I live in Hamburg and play DnD

I was born in Hamburg and, apart from a short trip to Reinbek, always stayed in Hamburg. I am rooted in the north and enjoy the green surroundings in Niendorf.

When I was young, I loved spending hours on weekends and holidays playing DSA and DnD. Since 2022 I have been with a few friends and my son to get a group together again with which we can celebrate our DnD 5th Edition campaigns once or twice a month.

Most Saturdays we start at 6 p.m. with a delicious meal that I prepare for everyone - there's nothing like a big pot of chili con carne. Then we go into the basement into the games room with digital cards, atmospheric music from the Anker Box and our figures.

elbphilharmonie in hamburg
small dice of various sizes
blue table tennis table with a player making a server
an old racket with a table tennis ball

I play table tennis

During the Covid pandemic it happened that we put a table tennis table in the garden. What started as a small hobby with my son has developed into an enormous passion.

I joined the local club Niendorfer Turn- und Sportverein (NTSV), started training and taking part in league games. Because only a few people engaged in the club, I became team captain, sports director for the men and, since May 2024, department head for the table tennis division.

My son trains a lot and is aiming for a professional career. Through many great coincidences it happened that he will be training for a month at the Luneng table tennis school in China in September 2024. I accompany him and I have to say, it's an amazing experience.

I read a lot of (fantasy) books

I love reading fantasy series on the scale of Wheel of Time. I usually read a few series at the same time so that I can enjoy them for longer. Since 2024 I have discovered the self-published author Pedro Urvi with his series “The Path of the Ranger”. At the same time, I enjoy the well-known series by author R.A. Salvatore (Dark Elves series), David Eddings (Belgariad Saga) and Brandon Sanderson (The Stormlight Chronicles).

And for a change, Lee Child's new volume from the Reacher series finds its way onto my bookshelf every summer. And for the winter I'm thinking about picking up a Jack Ryan novel again.

a lot of open books
open book

My career journey so far

I work at konzentrik GmbH as a technical lead, software architect and full-stack developer. For more details, check out my CV.

Download CV
  1. Swisscom

    May 2005 - Apr 2014


    Conception, architecture, development and support of a platform for processing and displaying electronic program data (EPG).

  2. Verlagshäuser

    Aug 2011 - Sep 2016

    Publishing houses

    Development of various mobile and hybrid apps, as well as websites with a focus on EPG data and videos. Including providing the raw data in a Restful API.

  3. Aidminutes

    Nov 2016 - Apr 2018


    In the role of a CTO, my team and I have developed a tool for digitizing medical history with a focus on solving cultural and language barriers in doctor-patient communication.

  4. Funke Verlag

    Dec 2019 - Dec 2022

    Funke Verlag

    Individual programming for video content aggregation, TV schedule management and the provision of video content as independent HLS streams for FAST channels on Samsung TV, Xiaomi, LG and Rakuten.

  5. RapidStream

    Nov 2022 - Present


    Development of a Software as a Service (SaaS) product for the abstraction of AdServer queries in the area of ​​TV streaming for FAST channels called RapidStream .

  6. I am currently here in my journey :D

A simple stack that you can always trust

I've been a software developer for over 17 years, and while my stack has shifted over the years, I kept coming back to the same technologies. The following is the stack that I've developed & honed over the years as a software developer.



Since 10 years



Since 6 years



Since 9 years



Since 4 years

Tailwind CSS


Since 6 years



Since 2 years

a coup of coffee an a laptop

12+ Clients have loved my work

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