Thoughts about 10 rules for high energy being 40+ - Part 1 of 2
Health and energy are not related to age. Based on Pete William's article, I will discuss the first five rules for being full of energy.

Lately, I haven't found many exciting articles in my Medium newsletter. I was about to end the subscription. Today, however, I found a very worthwhile article by Pete Williams from the series In Fitness and In Health – 10 rules for high energy in your 40s and beyond. The title certainly speaks directly to me as a man in my mid-forties, and at the same time, the rules are relevant for everyone, regardless of age. Or at least they should be.
I want to walk you through the list and write a few thoughts about each rule. In this post, I discuss the first five rules. I'll publish my reflection on the other half next week – second part.
1. Questions why the energy is missing
Instead of complaining, you should tackle things - I see it just like Pete. What bothers me is not only name (do not misunderstand: being able to name it is an essential first step) but taking responsibility for it (the second step) and acting (the third step).
I would interpret and live the phrase "do something with the Answer" so that actions follow to disrupt the disorders. If this is not possible, refrain from complaining. Instead, concentrate on the beautiful things and apply energy.
2. Less alcohol
What the body can suffer and what we can do under adverse circumstances is incredible. Only it costs a lot of strength and is more an endangerment than being happy. That's why I would make no alcohol out of the rule.
My body thanks me for a relaxing sleep and enormous sports performance. My children are happy I can spend time with them on the weekend. And I don't miss the feeling of "again Monday, where the weekend has stayed there."
3. More and better sleep
I haven't yet figured out the mystery of better sleep. On the other hand, the issue of “more sleep” needs to be solved organizationally – go to bed earlier. This step is not easy for everyone. A friend of mine commented as follows: "That couldn't have been everything that day." Sleep is out of the question, along with the restlessness that arises from this thought. However, how will the evening be spent? On the couch in front of the TV – not exactly refreshing.
Thanks to my bullet journaling, I have established the habit of reflecting on the day and planning the next one before going to sleep. This usually takes fifteen minutes. I still read in bed, which gives me an hour of screen-free time before bed. As mentioned before, my sleep isn't excellent, but when I fall asleep, I'm not bothered by any wild thoughts about what to do or think about because they are all in my bullet journal. So, I'm a good step towards better sleep. I don't like to imagine how my sleep would be without these rituals.
4. More exercise
My principle has always been to fill the small breaks with exercise. I find it particularly easy to accommodate in my home office. For example, take the laundry upstairs from the basement or take out the trash during the break. In the office, it's the route to the coffee machine for every additional cup. It's possible if there is awareness and will. The remainder of these breaks are done via my watch, which vibrates ten minutes before the full hour when there are fewer than 250 steps. This is my constant reminder to take breaks and exercise.
As helpful as the tiny impulses are, the larger time windows for exercise and sport should not be missing. Go to the gym before work, walk or run during your lunch break, or pursue a sporting hobby in the evening.
5. Conscious food
Oh, how difficult it is to accomplish this rule and only eat until I almost get full. There are dishes where I cannot stop in time. This includes lasagna, pizza, chili, and kale. I take it firmly, yet my will is not strong enough. The feeling of fullness afterward is the immediate reminder that I haven't done myself a favor. I sleep worse with a highly filled stomach and no space for dessert. As is well known, there is a second stomach for dessert. At this point, from Pete's List, I still need to improve.
Intermediate conclusion
These first five rules focus on health, which is vital for being full of energy and staying. Better and longer sleep is a miracle weapon. Serenity, calm, and satisfaction allow daily challenges to be countered with positive energy and thoughts. I will pay more attention to this in the future.