Thoughts about 10 rules for high energy being 40+ - Part 2 of 2
In the second part, I discuss the last five rules based on Pete Williams' article to understand why being full of energy is no secret, even in old age.

In the first post, I examined rules 1 to 5. The post discussed health (no alcohol, sleep, movement, and food). This article focuses on social interaction, attitude to life, and happiness.
6. Healthy environment
As we all know, we are shaped by the five people we are around most often. This imprinting occurs gradually and unnoticed in our perspectives, language, words, and gestures. Paying attention to your surroundings is essential for staying energetic and positive.
Does my environment support me when I face challenges instead of criticizing or telling me what isn't possible? Do those around me look for and see the good in defeats to learn from them, or do they accept life as puppets of fate? I'm choosing more and more clearly who I let get close to me. And these two questions are central to me.
7. Charge batteries
Pete describes it as “Touch grass.” It's about the necessary distance and peace to "recharge the batteries." I'm convinced that day-to-day life isn't going well when I need that space to recharge. I aim to plan a vacation, look forward to the time, and not be exhausted beforehand. Of course, I use the peace and the distance from everyday life to develop new ideas, relax, and do something special. I don't want to "use" the time to recharge my batteries. As soon as I develop this feeling, I know I have overdone the last few weeks, and something needs to change.
8. Live your life
This year, I have defined a motto instead of annual goals (more in this post): Pursuit of a happy life.
It is my goal to enjoy life and not to endure. Everybody has to find out what this means and strive for it. It is important to have courage and try new things. As Pete writes - it's your life. Get started!
9.Being able to say No
Just as we tidy rooms, throw things away, and feel good afterward, we can and must tidy up our lives. To do this, it is important to identify the things that cost energy. Tolerating these things means we have directly or indirectly said yes to them. And saying yes also means saying no to other things. Or, to put it another way – a yes must be defended by many nos so that we can keep it. It is advisable to choose the yeses consciously and not let them be forced upon us.
As life progresses, we take on more responsibility—whether at work or in the family—in one way or another. Nevertheless, we don't have to endure all situations and let everything happen to us. It is essential to sharpen our perspective to see clearly what we want and what others want us to do. Once we separate the two, we can clean up.
10. Be there with all your heart
I agree with Pete: friends and family are essential. Spending time with them is crucial and contributes a lot to happiness. However, this only works if we want it and enjoy being with friends and family. I am firmly convinced that less is more here, too. I enjoy the meetings and celebrations I attend to the fullest because I enjoy being there. If it becomes too much, I cancel appointments and use my time - e.g., to read a good book. I'm doing myself, my family, and my friends a big favor because they feel that I'm there with all my heart during the time I spend with them and that I'm listening to them.
I firmly believe that the rules apply regardless of age. They function as good guidelines for a contented life, whether in our early twenties, when jobs and/or studies after school force us to make decisions, or later, when our own family comes along, and we want to keep a lot of balls in the air at the same time.
Being aware of these rules (or rather guidelines) and living independently is not easy and must be learned. The school or teenage years are suitable for this. We all know how accessible we were at that time. Who has or had children of that age know how difficult it is to address the "wisdom of life." So how should we teach our children? I think teaching is not possible. However, setting an example and demonstrating work. We should be role models for kids as parents, relatives, coaches, or friends. And applying the rules is a good beginning.